What Are My Incision Options for Breast Augmentation?

breast augmentation incisions, Austin TXDuring a breast augmentation consultation, there are several aspects of their upcoming surgery to consider. In addition to options like breast implant size, patients will be presented with the decision of which incision site should be used for inserting the breast implants.

There are typically four different incisions that can be used for breast augmentation:

  • Under the breast (inframammary)
  • Under or above the nipple (periareolar)
  • Armpit (axillary)
  • Belly button (umbilical or TUBA)

The inframammary incision is by far the most common approach for breast augmentation, and this is the approach I prefer. This technique allows easy access to the muscle and tissue beneath the breast. The scar is concealed near or preferably in the lower breast fold (inframammary fold). The pectoralis muscle may be repositioned in the appropriate plane more easily through this approach.

The nipple incision (periareolar) allows access to the underlying breast and muscle. This incision site is typically the most concealed of all techniques, but there have been recent studies that have shown that there is a slightly higher risk of infection through this approach. There is also a slightly higher chance of loss of nipple sensation when the nipple approach is used.

Although the axillary and umbilical approaches result in acceptable scars, these approaches are primarily used for saline implant augmentation. Because of the blunt dissection with these techniques, it is harder to place the breast implant in an exact pocket and location. There is a risk over time that the implant(s) may migrate towards the armpit or belly button since these planes are opened when these approaches are used. These incisions are used less frequently now because of the recent popularity of silicone cohesive gel-filled implants.

David Mosier, M.D., F.A.C.S.

Schedule a Consultation
To learn more about these incision options, or to schedule your breast augmentation consultation, please contact Plastic Surgery Center of Austin, P.A.